Dear Supporter,
The new stadium - A silk purse or a sow’s ear?
The exhibition period for the Stage 2 EIS has been extended until Wednesday 24 July Submissions to the Department of Planning can be made here.
The stadium design has some good features, but we have many concerns. We made four submissions:
Submission No. 1 covers a range of issues and makes 22 recommendations:
Stadium development and design principles
Number, type and duration of events
Relationship between the SFS redevelopment and Moore Park
Visual impact and Overshadowing
Stormwater Management, Flooding and Groundwater
Ancillary land uses and commercial activation
Members’ facilities
Construction management
Submission No. 2 relates to the Moore Park Master Plan. INSW was required to identify ways the development can contribute positively towards and support the Master Plan. It has done a poor job of this.
Submission No.3 relates to car parking on Moore Park and makes 14 recommendations. Our submission addresses
INSW’s views
Why parking on Moore Park needs to be removed
The availability (or supply) of parking
The demand for parking
A strategy to resolve the parking issue
Submission No. 4 relates to the proposed six metre high steps that will provide access to 70% of patrons attending events. These replace the ramped access from Driver Avenue to the former stadium. We are particularly concerned with the risks to patrons when exiting the stadium – we spell these out. We believe the steps may also amount to discrimination under Section 23 of the Disability Discrimination Act.
An important theme through these submissions is that while the stadium design has good features, as a whole it does not strike an acceptable balance between the need for a high quality stadium and the impact on the local community and neighbouring Moore Park.
We would encourage you to make a short submission to the Department of Planning. If you’d like to do so, please feel free to use any of the information they contain or simply say that you support ours and why.
The ball is now in the Department’s court. It’s now up to it to see if it can make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Your views will help.
Finally, I wish to advise that yesterday I formally resigned as a member of the SFS Community Consultative Committee. However, a member of our Saving Moore Park Committee, Vivienne Skinner, remains a member the Committee, so we still have a seat at the table.
Michael Waterhouse
21 July 2019